Visiting professorship, Department of Philosophy, University of Twente, August – September 2015
Happy to be back in Twente and working with my collegues and students in the fields of philosophy and history of science!
Call for Papers: Technosecurity Cultures
Science as Culture (SaC) special issue: call for papers Guest Editors: Jutta Weber and Katrin M. Kämpf ‘Security’ has gained a central place in contemporary societies preoccupied with dangers to their future. Policymakers, researchers and…

Talk at ‘Data Traces: Big Data in the Context of Culture & Society’
‚a certain anticipatory readiness about the world‘. Big Data als (Selbst-)Überwachung 16:00 Uhr | 3. Juli 2015 Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) Academy of Art and Design FHNW Campus of the Arts Freilager-Platz…

The Fear of Not Being Watched: Big Data, Social Media Surveillance and Techno-Security
My Keynote for the symposium netz:regeln 2014 – responsibility in the digital society by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and Bitcom can be found at bzw respectively all articles at:

Workshop: SELF-DRIVING CARS AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION. Department of Media Studies, University of Paderborn, 6th & 7th Nov 2014
Public keynote by Prof. Dr. Ulf Mellström (Karlstadt, Sweden): The De-Anthropomorphisation of Men, Masculinity and Cars. Emancipatory Challenges and Theoretical Connections.
Blackbox, Werkzeugkasten, Identitätsmarker. Körperkonzepte in der Kontrollgesellschaft
Paper given at the Universität Frankfurt, colloquium Prof. Dr. Thomas Lemke, thursday, 30th of October, 4 p.m.
Technopolitics Salon, Vienna Open: Post-digitale Strategien für eine offene Gesellschaft
Paper given at the Technopolitics Salon Die post-anthropologische Kondition? Vienna Open: Post-digitale Strategien für eine offene Gesellschaft; Mobiles Stadtlabor. Panel discussion with Armin Medosch, Gerald Nestler, Felix Stalder, Jutta Weber Samstag, 18.10.2014, 7 p.m.; siehe
Understanding Techno-security: on pre-emption, situational awareness and technological superiority
EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), 17.-19.09.2014, Torun/Poland Track: *”Understanding Techno-security: on pre-emption, situational awareness and technological superiority”* Convenors: Jutta Weber & Katrin M. Kämpf (University Paderborn) ***Thursday 18 September*** –…