SS 2023
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Halbwahrheiten. Über Fake News, Verschwörungstheorien und populistische Propaganda. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Krankheit Arbeit. Zwischen Müßiggang und Selbstoptimierung. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Theorien und Methoden der Technoscience Studies. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
WS 2022/23
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Klima, Krieg, Corona. Oder: Nach der Krise ist vor der Katastrophe? Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Die Welt lesen – Gutenberg & Google. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Halbwahrheiten. Über Fake News, Verschwörungstheorien und populistische Propaganda. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Killerbots, Terminatoren und Drohnenschwärme – Autonome Waffensysteme zwischen medialer Fiktion und tödlicher Realität. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn with Dr. Jens Hälterlein. 2 SWS
SS 22
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
In digitaler Gesellschaft. Zur Neukonfiguration sozialer Welten zwischen Algorithmen, sozialen Medien, Roboter und User:innen. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Biometrische Gesichtserkennung, Corona-Apps, Self-Tracker – Überwachung im digitalen Zeitalter. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn with Dr. Jens Hälterlein. 2 SWS.
WS 2021/22
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Einführungsseminar am Institut für Medienwissenschaften der Universität Paderborn. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
„Wir müssen laufen, weil hinter uns alles zerspringt“. Über Bullshit Jobs, Müßiggangster und disruptive Technologien. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
„Deutschland geht klauen“: Geschichte und Gegenwart der Guerillakommunikation. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Einführungsseminar am Institut für Medienwissenschaften der Universität Paderborn. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
SS 2021
WS 2020/21
Flüchtige Moderne, Postsozialität oder Resonanz? Aktuelle Gesellschaftsdiagnosen im Überblick. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Scoring Society: Vom Glanz und Elend des Bewertens. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
‘NERDS RETTEN DIE WELT’. Über Wissenschaft und die Politik der Intervention. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Data Broker. Wie man mit unseren Profilen Geld macht (oder auch nicht). Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
SS 2020
Untergang und Lebensfreude. Mediale und politische Strategien der sozialen Bewegung Extinction Rebellion. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Stadt – Raum – Macht. (Mit Übungen in empirischer Feldforschung). Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Corona-Tagebücher: Alltag im Zeitalter der Pandemie. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Klickkultur und Netzwerkaffekte. Über Autoritarismus, kybernetische Kontrolle und Neue Medien. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
WS 2019/20
SS 2019
Reality Check: The Past, Present & Future of New Media. Englishspeaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
The Slow University. Arbeit, Zeit, Reflexion. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Trump! Pop Politik Populismus. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Einführung in die Methoden der Medienwissenschaft. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
WS 2018/19
How to Design a Smart City? Some Ethnographic and Thought Experiments. Englishspeaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Schlüsselwerke der Science & Technology Studies. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Rassismus. Zur Re/Produktion rassistischer Bilder in Wissenschaft, Politik und Alltag. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Einführung in den Master Medienwissenschaften. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn. 2 SWS.
SS 2018
Ways of Knowing and Meaning. Game Changer: On Drones and Society. Course at the Department for Cross-Disciplinary Studies, University of Applied Arts, Vienna. 2 SWS.
Die Welt lesen – Gutenberg & Google. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Schmutzige Wolken, umkämpfte Kabel. Über die Macht der Infrastrukturen. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University Paderborn.
Data Broker. Wie man mit Profilen Geld macht. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Drone Pop Culture. English-speaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
WS 2017/18
Google Maps, Pokemon-Go oder Foodora: Eine Exploration von Alltagspraktiken im “Code/Space”. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Kultur der Digitalität. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in den Master Medienwissenschaften. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
SS 2017
Sozialität und Maschinen? Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Algorithmen: Logik, Kontrolle, Biomacht. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Riding Free. A Cultural History of the Bicycle (With Some Hands-On Experiments). English-speaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Science- and Technology Studies (STS). Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
WS 2016/17
Wie Zukunft gemacht wird: Zur Bewegung von Menschen, Daten, Waren. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Companion, Driver, Nurse: Rethinking Robots as Mass Media. English-speaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
SS 2016
Tracking – Targeting – Predicting. Technologies of Surveillance and Control. Course at the Department for Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna. 2 SWS.
Game Changer? Drohnen als Weltzugang und Biopolitik. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
How To Make Anything! DIY Maker Culture and Its Social, Economic and Technical Implications. English-speaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Ada Lovelace And Beyond. Geschichte und Gegenwart eines Universalmediums. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
WS 2015/16
Krankheit Arbeit. Über Müßiggangster, Faulosophie & Karriereverweigerung. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
A Better Version of You. Eine Technologiemesse. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Security’s Techno Imagineries: Smart Data, Minority Report, and the Ebola Drone. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Departmet for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
SS 2015
WS 2014/15
Google Cars, Networked Subjects and Human-Machine Autonomies. Reconfiguring Media and Mobility in the 21st Century. English-speaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Digital Media Reloaded. Medienexperimente im Selbstversuch. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
The New Global Disorder: Neue Weltordnung, Massenkultur und globaler Krieg. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Flüchtige Moderne, Postsozialität und flexibles Selbst. Aktuelle Gesellschaftstheorien im Überblick. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
SS 2014
Critical Digital Studies. From Robot Elsie to Google Glass. English-speaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Never Being Alone Again. Überwachung zwischen Albtraum und Utopie. Lecture series at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Riding Free! Zur medialen und sozialen Konstruktion des (Mountain-)Bikes. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
WS 2013/14
Horror and Hope: Posthuman Technoculture. English-speaking course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Menschen, Mäuse, Maschinen: Technikkultur für Anfänger. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Kriegsmaschinen als Wunschmaschinen: Vom Predictor zum Predator. Course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.
Einführung in die Mediensoziologie. Introductory course at the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn.