Research Projects

2022-2026MEHUCO ”Meaningful Human Control? Autonome Waffensysteme zwischen Regulation und Reflexion” (with Universität Bonn, Hamburg, Hannover, Ostfalia)
2022-2024‘BEING TAGGED‘. Die digitale Neuordnung der Welt – Chancen, Herausforderungen und Konfliktszenarien ubiquitärer chiploser RFID-Anwendungen (with Prof. Dr. Daniel Erni, Universität Duisburg-Essen)
2018The Scoring Society. VW-Foundation (with Prof. Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier and Prof. Dr. Tobias Matzner). Dismissed without documented review.
2017Die Macht der Algorithmen: Zur epistemologischen und gesellschaftlichen Dimension aktueller Algorithmik. Research prize of University of Paderborn (top three) (with Eyke Hüllermeier).
2016-2017Design and Engineering of Cyber-Physical-Social Systems. Co-investigator Exzellenzcluster (with Eyke Hüllermeier, Katharina Rohlfing, Eric Bodden et al.).
2015Affect- and Psychotechnology Studies. Emergente Techniken affektiver und emotionaler (Selbst-)Kontrolle. Scientific network of DFG. Co-investigator, Euro 40.000 (PI: Niklas Schrage, Lüneburg / Bernd Bösel, Potsdam).
2013-2016Degendering the Driver? Autonomous Cars, Mobility and Gender, Ministry for Science and Education in North-Rhine-Westphalia. Principal Investigator advising two PhD students.
2013Proposal for a European Research Council Consolidator Grant Techno-Security As Culture. 17.10.2013 interview in Brussels. Dismissed despite of five excellent reviews.
2012-2016Graduate program Automatisms (prolongation). Institute of Media Studies. German Research Foundation (DFG). Co-investigator, PhD advisor (PI: H. Winkler et al.).
2012-2014Centre for Transformative TechnoCulture. Executive Committee of the University of Paderborn. Principal Investigator.
2012Proposal Driven by Machines. VW-Foundation ‘Initiative Schlüsselthemen für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft’; with Prof. Dr. Markus Maurer, TU Braunschweig; Prof. Dr. Ulf Mellström/Schweden, Dr. Christoph Neubert Univ. Paderborn. Dismissed: December 2012 (without documented review).

Previous Funding

2010-2011International and interdisciplinary lecture series Wissenschaft, Technik, Körper (Science, technology, and the body), TU Braunschweig.
2004-2006Sociality with Machines, Federal Ministery of Education, Science and Culture (Austria), from the Institute of Philosophy of Science, University of Vienna. Co-Investigator. (PI: Mona Singer).
2001-2003Mathematics of Life, Federal Ministery of Culture and Education of Lower Saxony, Dept. of History of Science, TU Braunschweig. Co-Investigator. (PI: Herbert Mehrtens).
2001Schöne Natur und selbständiger Naturprozeß – Geschlechtersymbolismen im Naturschutz(Symbolic Dimensions of Gender in Nature Conservation), Federal Ministery of Culture and Education of Lower Saxony, Dept. of Environmental Sciences. Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Co-Investigator. (PI: Werner Härdtle).
1995-1999PhD Grant. Commission of Research and Education. University of Bremen.