Keep Adding. On Kill Lists, Drone Warfare and the Politics of Databases

I am happy to announce that my paper “Keep Adding. On Kill Lists, Drone Warfare and the Politics of Databases” in: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, first published on December 30 appeared.
I would like to thank Louise Amoore, Claudia Aradau, Marieke de Goede, Derek Gregory, Anna Leander, Urs Stäheli, Lucy Suchman and many more who provided helpful advice on earlier versions of this article when it was presented at the COST workshop ‘The Politics of List: Law, Security, Technology’ at the Kent Law School, University of Kent in Canterbury in November 2013 and the symposium Security by Remote Control at the Centre for Science Studies at Lancaster University in May 2014. Many thanks for helpful critical insights also to the four anonymous reviewers who helped very much to clarify these thoughts. I am also indebted to Katrin Kämpf for her research assistance.