Keynote at the ‘3rd ISAT. Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci’ Conference, National Cheng Kung University, 14-16th of November and at the Digital Art Forum Taipeh, 18-20th of November 2016

I feel very honoured to be invited to give a keynote speech at the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan which operates at the interface of theory, art and technoscience and is organized by Professor Dr. Ming Turner and her colleagues of the Techno Art Programm. This year’s theme is ‘Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci’. The title of my keynote is ‘Tinkering with the Unpredictable. A Brief History of Technoscience Culture‘. Here you can see the program:

At the Digital Art Forum Taipeh I will talk about Technoscience as Culture and the Cultural Politics of Technoscience. I am also looking forward to participate in a discussion panel on interdisciplinarity and all the discussions with colleague theorists, artists, and the wider audience.