Research reports

Degendering the Driver: Autonomous Vehicles, Mobility and Identity. Report for the Ministry for culture and science North Rhine-Westphalia, 2015 (together with Anna-Lena Burscheid and Samuel Müller).

Technologies of Disability. Gender, Diversity & Disability in Securitytechnology using the Example of the Body Scanner. An Expertise for the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, research project THEBEN in the Context of the Security Research Program, September 2010.

Interdisziplinarität, Gender & Diversität. Zur  Integration von Genderaspekten in die Lehre der Informatik an der Ostfalia- Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Expertise für die Ostfalia Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Sommer 2010;

Techno-Ethical Case-Studies in Robotics, Bionics, and Related AI Agent Technologies. Deliverable 5 of the EU-Project ETHICBOTS. Emerging Technoethics of Human Interaction with Communication, Bionic and Robotic Systems (SAS 6 – 017759) , April 2008 (together with Rafael Capurro, Thomas Christaller, Edoardo Datteri, Alessandro Giordani, Cecilia Laschi, Michael Mock, Michael Nagenborg, Pericle Salvini, Guglielmo Tamburrini). [Download]

Ethically Motivated Recommendations for EU Policies and Regulations concerning Robotics and its Convergence with Bionic and Software Agent Technologies. Deliverable 6 of the EU-Project ETHICBOTS. Emerging Technoethics of Human Interaction with Communication, Bionic and Robotic Systems (SAS 6 – 017759) , April 2008 (together with Rafael Capurro, Thomas Christaller, Edoardo Datteri, Alessandro Giordani, Cecilia Laschi, Michael Mock, Michael Nagenborg, Pericle Salvini, Guglielmo Tamburrini). [Download]

Analysis of national and international EU regulations and ethical councils opinions related with technologies for the integration of human and artificial entities, April 2008 (together with Rafael Capurro, Michael Nagenborg, Christoph Pingel). [Download]

Sozialität mit Maschinen. Anthropomorphisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung in aktueller Agenten- und Robotikforschung. Institut für Wissenschaftstheorie der Universität Wien,
Fakultät für Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft. April 2004 – September 2006. Bericht für das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, mit C. Bath & M. Singer.

Embodied Agents of Life- and Cyberscience: Bericht über ein Symposium der TU Braunschweig und der University Bremen 2003; with C. Bath;;jsessionid=0000nstiTQxrr2ummTGnrfMwKt4?hosts=local.