Social Network Analysis in Data-Driven Warfare
will be the title of my keynote at the “Remote Control Conference” which will take place from the 29th to the 30th June at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Many thanks to Nina Franz, Kathrin…
Guerras, Violencia y Derechos Humanos: Big Data Wars
I feel very honoured to give the opening keynote at the Conference Guerras, Violencia y Derechos Humanos, at the Museum of Basque Society and Citizenship, San Sebastian, running from the 26-28th April. http://www.santelmomuseoa.eus/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&cid=1&id=5196&Itemid=2&lang=en
transmediale 2017: Panel “Friendly Fire: What Is It to Re-think Radical Politics, Today?” and panel “New Paradigms”
Panel: New Paradigms. Friday, February 3, 2017 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM with Armin Medosch, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Felix Stalder and Gerald Nestler. https://2017.transmediale.de/de/content/new-paradigms Panel: Friendly Fire: What Is It to Re-think Radical Politics, Today? Saturday,…
Keynote at the ‘3rd ISAT. Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci’ Conference, National Cheng Kung University, 14-16th of November and at the Digital Art Forum Taipeh, 18-20th of November 2016
I feel very honoured to be invited to give a keynote speech at the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan which operates at the interface of theory, art and technoscience and is organized by Professor Dr….
‘Find, Fix, Finish’: Big Data Analytics, Targeting and the Politics of Databases
This is the titel of my presentation at the 4S/ EASST Conference: Science + Technology by Other Means (Panel T001.1 Materializing governance by information infrastructure, Location: 114 Date: September 1, 2016 Time: 4:00 pm –…
Working with Leigh Star
In our paper ‘Categorizing Life and Death. The Unmaking of Civilians in US Robot Wars’ Cheris Kramarae’s and I contributed to a volume in memory of Leigh Star. The volume has now finally been published….
Visiting professorship, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna, March – May 2016
I am happy to be back in Vienna and to work with colleagues and students. I really enjoyed our lively discussions in my MA seminar on ‘Tracking – Targeting – Predicting. Technologies of Surveillance and…

transmediale 2016: Keynote Conversation: Anxious to make.
“In the Anxious to Make keynote conversation Jutta Weber and Kazys Varnelis will focus on the historical and political agency of the maker and maker cultures in different situations, scales, and temporalities, from the workplace…
Keep Adding. On Kill Lists, Drone Warfare and the Politics of Databases
I am happy to announce that my paper “Keep Adding. On Kill Lists, Drone Warfare and the Politics of Databases” in: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, first published on December 30 http://epd.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/12/30/0263775815623537.full.pdf+html appeared….

Game Changer? On the Epistemology, Ontology, and Politics of Drones
Yesterday our open access issue of the ‘Behemoth – A Journal on Civilization’ on Game Changer? On the Epistemology, Ontology, and Politics of Drones went online with contributions by Armin Krishnan, Sara Brady, Sabine Selchow,…