New release: “Drone Imaginaries: The Power of Remote Vision”

What impact do drones have on our society and on our identity as individuals? “Drone Imaginaries: The Power of Remote Vision” was published on June 8, 2021, and examines questions relating to the representation of…

Talk at the “Airspace Tribunal” on June 9th, 1:00 p.m.

The commercial and military development in airspace by humans, accelerated by newer applications of AI, requires a rethinking of existing laws to protect human rights. At the “Airspace Tribunal”, an event organized by the European…

Game of Drones

“Game of Drones” is a rich and beautiful book which combines theoretical analysis and work of art. I am honoured, that we, my colleague Goetz Herrmann and I, were invited to contribute a piece on…

Catastrophic Futures, Pre-emptive Security & Mass Surveillance

In our chapter of the ‘Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook: TechnoScienceSociety – Technological Reconfigurations of Science and Society’, my colleague Michael Nagenborg and I ask: “How does the digital interception of mass communication, smart CCTV,…

Technosecurity Cultures. Special Issue of Science as Culture

It has been a long way but now I am happy to announce that our special issue of Science as Culture on Technosecurity Cultures – which I edited together with my colleague Katrin M. Kämpf…

Review of „Life in the Age of Drone Warfare“

My review of „Life in the Age of Drone Warfare“, edited by Lisa Parks and Caren Kaplan, together with other reviews by Lucy Suchman, Peter Adey and other colleagues, has been published in the most…

Cross-Disciplinary Strategies: Applied Studies in Art, Science, Philosophy, and Global Challenges

I am looking forward to Vienna where I will work as a visiting professor with colleagues (i.a. Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Reichle, media theorist) and students from the ‘University of Applied Arts’. I will teach and…

Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies / Special Issue of „Degendering the Driver“

Now our special issue of „Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies“ on „Degendering the Driver“ (Volume 8 (1), Spring 2018) which I edited together with Fabian Kröger including our introduction to „Autonomous Driving and the…

Science, Technology and Human Values

Our special issue of “Science, Technology and Human Values” [42 (6) (2017)]  on “Tracking and targeting: sociotechnologies of (in)security” (  which I co-edited with Lucy Suchman and Karolina Follis just appeared. Here’s the line-up: Lucy…

Techno(ir)rationality and Technosecurity

From the 1st-3rd November 2018, the final symposium of our DFG-Netzwerkes Affect- and Psychotechnologies took place at the University Potsdam with many presentations of our work of the last two years. I talked about ‚Techno(ir)rationality…