Science, Technology and Human Values

Aktuell ist unsere Sonderausgabe von „Science, Technology and Human Values [42 (6) (2017)]“  zum Thema „Tracking and targeting: sociotechnologies of (in)security“ ( erschienen, die ich zusammen mit Lucy Suchman and Karolina Follis herausgegeben habe. Darum geht’s:

Lucy Suchman, Karolina Follis und Jutta Weber: „Tracking and targeting“

This introduction to the special issue of the same title sets out
the context for a critical examination of contemporary developments
in sociotechnical systems deployed in the name of security. Our
focus is on technologies of tracking, with their claims to enable
the identification of those who comprise legitimate targets for the
use of violent force. Taking these claims as deeply problematic, we
join a growing body of scholarship on the technopolitical logics
that underpin an increasingly violent landscape of institutions,
infrastructures, and actions, promising protection to some but
arguably contributing to our collective insecurity. We examine the
asymmetric distributions of sociotechnologies of (in)security; their
deadly and injurious effects; and the legal, ethical, and moral
questions that haunt their operations.